hi again wife :3 its been idk how long since ive updated this!!! but i looove you sososososo much

    i miss u tons whenever ur working and stuff, i wanna talk to u all day long but i cant because you have work and school and i have loads of school work to do BUT enough of that

    i just want to say im so proud of you and i appreciate you so much for your hard work and everything you do <3 you are so strong being able to get through all this bullshit and still pull through, honestly i wish i could be as strong as you manage to be. i know you say youre introverted but youre so charismatic and optimistic about things, i adore whenever you look at things and see us in it. even the little stupid things that really dont make sense to anyone else. i cant wait to spend valentines day with you, its long distance and i dont exactly have a ton of money to spoil you with but i hope i can make up for it in quality time!!

    i love just being able to spend time with you, i hate being touched but id love to cuddle and snuggle with you. i like making people jealous knowing youre mine, coming up on two years together this may!!! im excited, i just wanna kiss u so much.

    sometimes i think of our wedding, and just seeing you all pretty and knowing that ive found the one. i thought about proposing to you too, i dont care for the ring or how i do it, just proposing to you makes me giddy in a way

    i want to thank you for dealing with my bullshit honestly, through the rambling and ranting to whenever i need to vent and just let out my feelings, you are there and you listen and i appreciate it so fucking much you dont even understand. i genuinely do not know where id be in life right now without you being there and being able to help and guide me. i still struggle to talk to others, a lot, i hope ill be able to talk to other easier eventually but until then thank you for letting me just talk to you and ramble and whatnot.

    im happy whenever you can come to me with your issues, i might not be the best comfort or i dont understand the best, but im glad you came to me and knew id listen. you dont understand how happy it makes me when i know someone can come to me for comfort, maybe not the best comfort but i try

    thank you and i love you so much.